Perform Brand Design


Brand design is not just an image, but a very good strategy behind it. Read the thoughts of our experts.

  • Brand name – an essential guide

    Whether you are setting up a new company, a start-up or expanding your product or service portfolio, there is eventually a moment when the idea for a new brand is born.

  • Rebranding – what is it and how to do it?

    Most often, it is about improving the image in the eyes of the audience, changing the positioning or target group. It used to be a process reserved only for crisis situations (Olins 1995), but for some time now, it has been a tool used to generate growth or reduce marketing costs.

  • Sour as vinegar – how dissatisfaction drives growth

    Try to fine-tune your communication so that you no longer give malcontents a reason to reject your brand.

  • Build brand salience or die!

    What better thing could happen to a brand than to stand out strongly against the competition?

