Brand in crisis

In competitive markets, a good product is definitely not enough. In a crisis, customers choose brands with a credible image, so when business growth slows down, it is worth asking yourself a few questions.
How to grow despite adverse external conditions? What will make a brand resist a crisis? Can we keep up with the dynamically evolving environment? Does our strategy require adaptation to changing times?
Are we appropriately highlighting brand values? We also talk about a crisis in the life of a brand when problems arise within the organisation – marketing requires large investments, despite which the brand fails to meet its image goals.
Our offer to brands in crisis is:
Brands that have been present in the minds of consumers for years, sometimes it is enough just to adapt the brand to the current needs of buyers, but when the causes of the crisis lie deeper – the situation requires a comprehensive approach.
During a crisis, research, a marketing audit and a visual audit are the cornerstones of action, in order to find the points where the brand is losing.
The crisis is dictating new rules of the game. And the great art is to define well what, in the current conditions, our brand can offer to the general public and what the competitive, legal or cultural environment allows it to do at the moment. For a brand in crisis, we help it to find and redefine everything that makes it unique, above all in the context of evolving market preferences and the environment in which it has come to compete for a stronger position. The brand planning process makes it possible to concretise its strengths and unique character, which, when translated into a specific creative solution, will give the brand a whole new expressiveness once again.
Although humans communicate primarily verbally, they interpret reality through what they see. As a result of evolution, we rely primarily on sight, recognising shapes and gestures – which is why it is so important to manifest change primarily in visual terms.
New branding will evoke a new brand message and instil information in the observer’s mind about how the brand is changing, and that it is changing for the better. A good sign is not enough to make the change effective. However, it should be one of the audience’s first new visual experiences.
The name, logo, colour scheme, company slogan may change. It may also happen that a well-designed, previously used logo will remain untouched, and what will be reordered is the brand image. In an era of dynamic transformation, where marketing can no longer be planned for years, it is the brand that is the universal guarantee of the unchanging quality of the products or services offered. For this reason, we rely on standardisation in the rebranding process. Logical and flexible principles of consistency, through day-to-day application, will build the core around which all the organisation’s marketing activities will be planned.
New visual identity system principles are usually introduced evolutionarily. Key areas of brand presence and points of contact are redesigned one by one: digital area, printed materials, packaging lines and small architecture. Informing other employees of the upcoming change is preceded by a survey, testing both the knowledge and mood of the teams regarding the new challenges. We give presentations familiarising them with the change and teach them how to use the new rules. The presence of an outsider is particularly important when the first doubts arise on people’s part. We are of the opinion that it is the strategists and designers who will most accurately answer all the questions of the team working on the brand in person.
A brand in times of crisis needs to be distinctive. At Perform, we place particular emphasis on the visual aspect of the brand and its consistency. We make the brand communicate the content we have chosen. Every detail has to be perfect and the rules for designing individual materials and developing the identity system collected and described in a manual. Correct is no longer enough. Our manuals provide a practical tool that can be used by anyone, so that building visual consistency is no longer a challenge for marketers, graphic design departments or external agencies alike.
In a crisis, excellent quality and the absolute consistency of each project become strong differentiators. This is why we stay with brands in crisis. We make sure that the look and feel we have developed together is not lost over time or distorted. We support companies in brand management so that the brand actually builds a new, strong and positive relationship with its audience.
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