Folk patterns as branding
Folkstar is a Polish chain of shops with products inspired by folk motifs. The company proves that folk culture is alive and well, bringing folklore back into favour and giving it a modern twist. Recording folk designs is not possible, so the customer was faced with constant imitation. The aim of the project was to develop a visual system that would translate into greater brand recognition. The client wanted the audience to see the value above all in the fact that the ‘Łowickie flowers’ on the product are from Folkstar, meanwhile he was under the impression that he was simply advertising the design itself.
Our task was to conduct an audit and workshop with the client, through which we developed a new brand strategy and architecture. The process culminated in the development of guidelines for a new visual identity system. Typography became the main element of the image, referring in form to hand-cut folk ornaments. Based on our initial recommendations, the client developed the design independently.